If you have ever watched a raw movie, without music or sound effects, you probably understand the importance of these factors. No matter how much money was put into the movie, without these factors it still looks cheap. Watching a video where the director has skimped out on the audio is quite obvious as well. The vocals are too loud or too soft and the music doesn’t crescendo in the right places. Even if you don’t consciously recognize these factors, you inherently know something just isn’t right.

One of the biggest mistakes that are made while filming is trying to cram dialogue, narration, music and sound effects all on the same microphone at the same time. It is essential to record them separately for a professional sound.

Once they are all recorded, it is suggested to put them together later on a mixer. You can use a professional mixer (these can be bought at most music stores) or you can buy a computer program. The programs can be somewhat complex if you are not computer savvy, but are usually less expensive than a mixer. With a mixer, you can also get a more professional sound, depending on the device used.

There are a number of things that adding some creative audio can do for your video. A little strategically placed background music can do wonders for a video. Sound effects can emphasize a scene that fell flat previously.

Turning your video into a professional sounding one is not nearly as hard as it would seem and it is definitely worth it.

One of the best ways to promote your youtube videos is TrafficGeyser. You can try it now.

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